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2013-5-8 · 最近一个奇怪现象为账户为EXPIRED(GRACE),查阅资料得知这是oracle11g安全的一个更新,类似系统账号过期一样。1)查询用户状态为col username for a20 col account_status for a20SQL> select username,account_status,LOCK_DATE,EXPIRY user account expired中文_user account expired … user account expired的中文意思:用户账号过期…,查阅user account expired 的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 查电话号码 繁體版 English 登录 注册 网站工具 设为首页 收藏本站 英语翻译 日语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 【account_expired】什么意思_英 …

Account Expired - webx.pk

2012-6-1 · oracle中, 经常用户的状态会变成locked, expired 等状态, 这种情况下怎么处理呢?首先, 如果是locked状态还好办, DBA直接执行alter user scott account unlock 就可以了.但是如果变成expired状态, oracle本身是不提供解锁的语句的, 因为账户过期,必须要 How to reset password for a locked or expired User Account

How to change your own expired password when you can't

Hi , I have an account which has the info as below. So looks like the passwd expired.But user does not know the passwd .with out resetting the passwd , is there a way that i can make this account current.But there are lot of processes running in the system which is owned by this account - so if do any changes through sam - i get the message as account is active - so log off and do the change. Expired Account - Parent Number Fun Portal It looks like your account has now expired. But don’t worry you can always upgrade your account from £2.97 per month to gain access to all online content. Annual Subscription. £36.00 Per Year. £29.97 Per Year. BUY NOW. Monthly Subscription. £3.60 Per Month. £2.97 Per Month. How to get rid of Samsung account session expired